Kylie Jenner Promotes Butt Enhancement Cream

Crazy. The World’s Gone Crazy!Kylie-Jenner-Butt-Enhancement-Cream

I guess she’s keeping up family tradition, making money off that booty…

Kylie Jenner is 17. Therefore, Kylie Jenner should not be promoting Butt Enhancing creams…

If anyone has ever been 17, they’ll know the girls they knew at 17, are already naturally enhanced, or as enhanced as their asses will ever be…

Not to mention, Kylie Jenner at 17, may have plastic surgery, and that’s ridiculous, she is at her fucking prime…

All this is going to do is get her millions of followers feeling inadequate about their butts…selling millions of product people don’t need…all to perpetuate these false needs/wants based on insecurities to create a business.

Blows my mind…but not as much as their campaign…featuring her 17 year old booty.

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